Serengeti Delight - #InaMatundaHiyo


Techno Serve was implementing the USAID funded Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing (AINFP) regional program in collaboration with Partners in Food Solutions (PFS). The program leveraged the power of the private sector to create better nutritional outcomes for base-of-the-pyramid consumers and more profitable market opportunities for local farmers.

Yogurts are a valuable source of nutrients that improves human health and help to reduce rates of malnutrition in Tanzania. Despites their importance, several AINFP food processors experienced market shocks following the COVID 19 pandemic. One of the AINFP clients, International Dairy in Arusha are among those companies who experienced a huge drop in sales for its real fruits yogurt in the hotel and hospitality Industry. 

serengeti delight

Strategy + Copywriting + Creatives

The Challenge

To increase brand awareness and drive sales of Serengeti Delight’s fruit-infused yogurt among health-conscious consumers seeking natural and wholesome ingredients.

The Opportunity

Serengeti Delight’s fruit-infused yogurt offers a tantalizing fusion of creamy goodness and real fruit flavor, making it the perfect choice for those seeking a delicious and wholesome snack.

Our Goal

Top of mind awareness by having the most preferred, visited, recommended and engaging brand experiences. 

Just because your product has been around for over 2 decades doesn’t mean it’s old school. Here’s how we helped the most trusted yogurt brand in Tanzania re-position itself as meaningful and relevant.

#TheFact is Serengeti Delight’s yogurt was no ordinary dairy treat, as they certainly delivered on quality from a product standpoint. The only challenge is that this delicious and nutritious selling point was never communicated effectively to their target consumers. Hence why we developed a simple yet concise campaign that gave consumers a reason to savor every bite, every spoon and every sip!

Key Visuals

Promotional Materials

Social Media